Thursday, August 16, 2007

miss understanding

There was once a great story about miss understanding. A likkle man named joe with a likkle dog bruno who got chopping bush (as in flora) with the american president and ended up paying for his misunderstanding. Well this story is not as funny or horrendous, but I got a good laugh.

I was going to wash my clothes in the pila (the greatest invention ever) and I told the men in the yard, who are building the house for the male teachers, that I was going to wash my clothes. Mind you this is all in spanish and it was a confusing conversation:

jessa: yo llavo mis ropas in pila
man: si, si. llave.
jessa: si.
man: jhgljksagdfjkasyfaihjkdfygsulgeytgjasdfjagf (something in spanish)
jessa: llavo mis ropas. si.
man. jkghfsgasfgashgfasjgf. si. (he walks away to the room he is staying in while he builds the house) gracias. (he holds out his clothes to be washed)
jessa: MIS ROPAS!
All other men: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
jessa: ha ha ha!
man: hahaahaha!

Apparently I did not convey that I was washing my own clothes. He thought I wanted to wash his clothes. and I thought MIS was a word I had down.... Since then, then man whose name is Memo, has had dinner with us twice and we have been able to laugh off our mis understanding and teach each other the other´s language. He can now say: I am building a house, in english.

I have been at work for the past two days now. Yesterday was spent cleaning like crazy and today I began planning the years syllabus. It is going to be challenging teaching kids so young. I am giving them the basic building blocks of education. Hopefully I provide a strong foundation for them. Everyone at school seems nice. Some of the teachers speak no english and it is good for me to practice my spanish with them.

I am going to sign off so I can get some supplies for my classroom and then go back home to make posters and poster decorations. peace out my friends.


Board Shanty said...

You sound like you are settling in. What's a pila?


Elaine said...

Well, it's only from all the little miss understandings that full understandings become possible. Thanks for having a blog for us to keep up with you! Much love!